Thursday, March 28, 2013

~Twitter & Buku~

بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Best Wishes Upon You, And Blessing Upon You and Barakah ALLAH upon you

Apa khabar semua… Sihat? Apa khabar dengan Islam kalian? Bagaimana taqwa dan iman sahabat-sahabat sekalian… bagaimana pula dengan hati sahabat?  Semua sihatkah?

Alhamdulillah, syukur atas nikmat yang ALLAH kurniakan…

Bagaimana pula dengan bacaan kitab suci al-Quran dan zikir? Masih bergerak ataupun masih sedang merangkak slow2…

Alhamdulillah, slow pon tak pa, asalkan bergerak… ALLAH tak tengok natijah tetapi ALLAH tengok usaha… insyaALLAH…

Twitter Dan Buku

Dengan ini, ingin aku umumkan, drum roll please….


I have deactivate my twitter account… baru deactivate bukan delete lagi… masih ada tempoh sebulan before twitter akan delete twitter aku… actually, dah lama terniat nak buang twitter jauh2 dari hidup aku… hopefully dapat bertahan, refrain myself from reactivate my twitter.. dah sebulan lagi... 

Friday, March 22, 2013

~Waving The Last Goodbye~

بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Best Wishes Upon You, And Blessing Upon You and Barakah ALLAH upon you

SPM results was coming out this week… but somehow I don’t know why, I did reminiscence the day I got my results... but I reminiscence the last day I’ve been to that school… the last day I had in that particular institution… not just high school, matriculation too…

The Last Day…

It’s still fresh in my memory, on the day of the last paper…. After the last paper had finish, all of us went straight towards the field… some of us were taking pictures… some were celebrating…and some were having that touching last moment… having that last moment with their friends…

I still remember, saying I’m sorry to my friends, telling them not to forget me, asking them to hang out at the mall next week…

We took the last picture as a high school student, with our school uniforms on…

And finally, one by one my friends went home, either by bus, bike, motor or parents…

We say our goodbyes and farewells before we meet again, which may next week, or even on the day we get our spm results…

And then the during taking the results, yeah we met again, but for a short while… we flash our results, congratulate each other, hugs and kisses… and then say our goodbyes and farewells again… and this time, hoping to see each other is spreading thin, some will fly a far, some will be near… some will meet again and some will took a whole decade to meet again…

It comes again during the final day in matriculation… after the finals, the same thing happens, farewell and goodbyes… but this time, I have a roommate and a whole group of best friends… saying goodbye to them is the hardest… hugging them for the last time was like eternally separated… one of my friends went home to Sabah, and continue to study there in UMS, the others further their study in UNIMAS…

It’s not just about the farewells to our friends, but also the places we actually grew up, the wounds we made and the memories that we carved in that places…

Stepping out of the school and matriculation gate, the classroom and the hostel room, was unbearable… we wish we could never leave such place… but we can’t… we can't stay and be there any longer... we need to move on...

So we took that last glance… looking back a few times… shedding tears and says ‘I will missed this place… I will never forget this school/matriculation’… and finally as we depart, we wave our last goodbyes… to our friends and to the places we grew up in….

...Waving The Last Goodbye…

Eventhough I always return to my high school and matriculation, the feeling is not the same… I’m no longer the students there… sometimes, when I went there, the memories just flew by me… I missed those days… I missed my schools, my teachers, my friends… and I also missed the nice gardeners, the generous cafeteria lady and the chatty sales person at the co-op…

Even though I have wave my last goodbyes… it was never a goodbye… it was ‘till we meet again’

To the Class of 2009 [C09] SMK Ibrahim, Sungai Petani Kedah and Batch 2010/2012 Penang Matriculation, teachers from both institution, I missed you so… and till we meet again…

…I Hold On To That Last Memory...
...Carved In It My Heart...
...Decorate It In My Dreams...


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

~The Withered Heart Of A Pushover~

بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم

Dengan menyebut nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Salam Sejahtera Keatas Kamu, Dan Rahmat ALLAH Keatas Kamu serta Barakah ALLAH Jua Atasmu

Pernah tak korang nampak seseorang yang membiar dirinya dibuli oleh rakan-rakan sekeliling

Ataupun selalu jawab ya dan mengangguk kepada setiap arahan dan perintah tanpa sebarang bantahan

Membiar dirinya diperlakukan dan diperlekehkan

Menjadi peacekeeper dan elak jadi warlord

Membiar dirinya dipotong sewaktu berbaris di barisan yang panjang

Mahupun mengatakan perkara diatas itu semua perkara picisan dan tak besar

Pernah tak?

Diminta korang mesti pikir camni


Ya ka penyabar???

Dear beloved readers, actually that kind of person is actually what we called a pushover

Do you know what a pushover is???

Well, a pushover is a person or a group of people who let themselves to be walkover by the people and society that surrounds them. They are the type of people who always says yes rather than saying NO.

Orang-orang situasi diatas tulah dipanggil pushover…

Orang-orang camni selalu sangat dibuli dan disuruh buat kerja itu dan ini, tanpa membantah dan tanpa mengatakan tidak. Orang-orang camni selalunya dikategorikan dalam personaliti melancholic dan phlegmatic <correct me if I’m wrong>.  Selalunya diorang cepat simpati, pessimist dan selalu letak hal orang lain dahulu daripada mereka… they are also have a big heart <too big for their sake>

Ya, memang seronok dapat kawan sebab diorang selalu tolong korang bila dalam kesusahan… tambahan diorang tak membantah… tapi kesian kat orang-orang camni…

Nak taw tak kenapa…

Sebenarnya, eventhough they never say NO and ALWAYS SAYS YES, actually, what lies within their hearts is actually to say NO…  it’s actually a health problem… a sociopsychological health problem… because they usually will be stressed and distressed.. depression is one of the major psychological problem this kind of people have… and its kinda of hard to see due to the fact they always wear a smiley mask and beneath the fake smile is a face bursting with tears…

Memang la seronok bila the people surrounds us perceive us a good person, but actually the heart is actually withering away…

Stop letting other people control your life and start take control of it…
Sometimes it’s better to help yourself, put yourself first and put others seconds…
It’s great to be the good person but it’s much better to be a person with a blooming heart

Stop being a pushover… try to say no sometimes and let yourself being free, rather than let oneself to be captured and walk over by the people surround you... let your hearts blooms before it withers away...

There difference between doing thing out of something and doing it out of nothing…


This entry is not directing to anybody and its general. Most of my friends would say this pushover character is actually me… well my answer is yes and no… I used to be that kind of pushover guy… but I kinda removing that character bit by bit…not just my friends, my family also says the same thing... and, its not only saying to the pushovers it also towards the pushover friends… if you guys know your friend is a pushover… help him rather than taking advantage of him/her… having a big heart is not about helping people all the time... its about helping yourself and the people around you...

so have a  heart

Bersihkan Hati

Tingkatkan Iman

Tambahkan taqwa

Sucikan niat

Ingatkan akan ALLAH

Jazakallahu Khairan Kasira

Monday, March 04, 2013

~When Life Knocks U Down~

بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم

Dengan menyebut nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Salam Sejahtera Keatas Kamu, Dan Rahmat ALLAH Keatas Kamu serta Barakah ALLAH Jua Atasmu

Ya ALLAH, kenapa aku diduga seberat ini
Astaga, apa dosa aku ya ALLAH
Ya ALLAH, kenapaKAU tarik kembali nikmatmu
Astaga, aku berdaya untuk menempuhi ujianMU, Ya ALLAH

Rasa pernah tak rasa cam situasi diatas… pernah tak, melalak melolong, menangisi nasib diri <over sikit>… pernah tak rasa down, rasa ALLAH tak sayang kita dah… apabila nikmat ditarik semula… apabila ujian yang ditimpa rasa terlalu berat…

Saturday, March 02, 2013

~Love Letter~

بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم

Dengan menyebut nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Salam Sejahtera Keatas Kamu, Dan Rahmat ALLAH Keatas Kamu serta Barakah ALLAH Jua Atasmu

Apa khabar semua?



Segala pujian bagi Allah Yang Maha Esa