Monday, July 08, 2013

~Me + You + Ramadhan~

بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Best Wishes Upon You, And Blessing Upon You and Barakah ALLAH upon you

Ramadhan is near… It’s just a stone throw away… It’s just a few days away…

A few days… It’s this Wednesday… it’s not that far… are you ready for Ramadhan? Well are you?

For this Ramadhan, it will be my third celebrating it with my friends, away from my home and my family… the first would be in matriculation and the second would be last year in UKM… well the third will be the same, in UKM ofcourse…

Well, I really wanted to spend my Ramadhan with my family, but I’ve got classes and reseat exams… Serve me right for fooling around during my 3rd and 4th semester… I’ve failed my finals and need to reseat those 6 papers, and passing them, if I want to move forward to my clinical years…

Like last year, I was hoping I could khatm the Quran in Ramadhan and able to solah tarawih 20 rakaat… well, I could only niat and hoped for it as was not able to khatm the Quran in Ramadhan although I managed to khatm in Syawal… and for the solah, I was able to do 20 rakaat and sometimes a do 8 rakaat… why, maybe because I was too focused on my studies and I wasn’t had the strength to do it… erk… what a lame excuse right?

And for this Ramadhan, I also niat for the same thing… but wait, please know the difference between niat and nazr….

But somehow, I don’t know why, I think it will be some as last year…

Okey, for last years Ramadhan, me and friends usually iftar together… sometime I iftar alone in my room… but since this year, our rooms are quit far apart, none of us have a big room that can have up to 10 people, we decide to iftar at our friends apartment at the entrance of the college…

But somehow, maybe this year, for the first 2 or  3 days, maybe I will be iftar with them and then I will be iftar alone…

Why you might ask… I don’t know… maybe because I’m a lone ranger perhaps…

Despite having six modules I need the study, the stress and fasting at college, I really hoped and prayed that this upcoming Ramadhan will be more meaningfull… by means, I don’t want to be those people who are called ‘HAMBA RAMADHAN’

"Barangsiapa yang 'menyembah' Ramadhan maka sesungguhnya Ramadhan itu akan mati, dan barangsiapa yang menyembah Allah maka sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha Hidup dan tidak mati. Seburuk-buruk kaum ialah mereka yang hanya mengenal Allah pada bulan Ramadhan! Jadilah hamba Tuhan, bukan hamba Ramadhan!"
Sheikh Yusof Qardhawi
<sorry unable to find English version>

Didn’t you noticed

Only in Ramadhan, the musollah is full …
Only in Ramadhan we could hear the reciting of Quran, zikr…

Some people, or even most of us, just think Ramadhan as a month of festive for ibadah… Why? Maybe because, well, there’s the night of a thousand night, the Lailatul Qadr, where your ibadah is counted as ibadah for 1000 month, and also pahala or reward for our ibadah is doubled (or even tripled maybe)…

But to think about again, if we do our ibadah as we do in Ramadhan, in other months, I think our pahala/reward would be higher than we do in Ramadhan… Then my won’t we…

Maybe because of the satan is chained up during Ramadhan?

My friends, yes you are right… Satan is chained, but we still have our nafsu… its not an excuse… that’s why we are more to HAMBA RAMADHAN rather HAMBA ALLAH…

Just hoping and praying, that my Ramadhan and yours, won’t be waste… and I hope we can continue with our ibadah that we do in Ramadhan, all the Quran reciting, zikr and every sunnah that we do, we can continue with it, istiqomah until we meet the next Ramadhan…

And I hoped and pray for those who are struggling to become a good muslim, use Ramadhan as a platform to change, because, well you know, the environment during Ramadhan is more suited to it as people are tend to devote into their Islam more than in other month…

This a few bloggers that blog about Ramadhan, hoped they are helpful to read…

Enjoy Your Ramadhan

Jazakallahu Khairan Kasira


…I intentionally made this blog in English…

…Just for the fun of it…

…And I wanna brush up on my English…

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